CoopCycle (CoopCycle)
CoopCycle is a non-profit organization (association loi 1901) whose goal is to become the first urban bike logistics platform co-operative. CoopCycle was founded in 2016-2017 thanks to the meeting of several activists (developers, economists, journalists, lawyers) interested in the future of work & concerned about the growing precarization of workers involved in the digital/platform economy. We have built an open-source platform and a smartphone app that allows bike delivery co-operatives to simplify/digitize their daily activities & offer food delivery services, just like big platforms. Around the project, we have managed to federate more than 30 (and counting) bike delivery co-operatives in Europe, that are willing to join their forces together, and pool their resources. We believe that, in front of climate change, switching to zero-emission logistics is a high priority for big cities, and this is a key opportunity for local, worker-owned bike messenger cooperatives. CoopCycle will provide software development & design expertise to implement the pilot, together with La Pajara in Madrid.