conference – Indimo Project Inclusive digital mobility solutions Fri, 29 Jul 2022 17:53:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Listen to podcast: the “Mobiele Rateltikker” in Antwerp Thu, 21 Jul 2022 13:42:58 +0000 By Rebecca Hueting (DBL) and Evelien Marlier (IMEC) We’re happy to invite our readers to listen to our first podcast on the “Mobiele...

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By Rebecca Hueting (DBL) and Evelien Marlier (IMEC)

We’re happy to invite our readers to listen to our first podcast on the “Mobiele Rateltikker” in Antwerp. The short audio-reportage collects Mathias’ experience related with the INDIMO re-design process in the Antwerp co-creation community. This podcast has been recorded by a fully blind end-user involved in the testing, re-design and implementation of the “Mobiele rateltikker” in the Antwerp pilot site.

You can listen to the whole series of “Voiceover in Zicht” podcasts from our co-creation community member Mathias Vermincksel on his channel.



The podcast is also available on:


Read more about our user-centered activities in the pilot sites, involving all our target users:

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INDIMO at the EPF Conference in Copenhagen Tue, 28 Jun 2022 11:59:14 +0000 By Daniel Herrera (POLIS) and Kathryn Bulanowski (EPF) On the 10th and 11th of June 2022, INDIMO was present at the EPF conference...

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By Daniel Herrera (POLIS) and Kathryn Bulanowski (EPF)

On the 10th and 11th of June 2022, INDIMO was present at the EPF conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, where our colleague Katrhryn Bulanowski (EPF) presented our INDIMO tools in the framework  of the topic “Digital transition in public transport – opportunities and points of concern”. The conference brought together a relevant audience comprising regional and national passenger organisations, higher-level authorities, as well as digital transport operators, all of them within the scope of the INDIMO target groups.

Our partner Ms. Kathryn Bulanowski from EPF presented the INDIMO tools and asked questions through slido to interact with the audience and gather input on the tools and more specifically, on the SPET – Service policy evaluation tool. In general, the participants saw the value of the research, and an overall positive feedback was collected. A couple of NGOs representatives thought the SPET tool is better suited for public transport operators, yet NGOs can use it as tool for cross-engaging with them. Several participants were already aware of the growing shift to digitalisation and are often confronted with the related challenges and barriers. A few NGOs, policymakers, and transport providers mentioned that INDIMO results and tools will be useful input for their projects and expressed interest in following our activities and attending our future workshops and events.

The presentation is available for download here below:EPF conference presentation


Read more about our user-centered activities in the pilot sites’, involving all our target users:

Co-creation communit
Community of practice



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Paper presented at the IEA 2021 conference Tue, 13 Jul 2021 14:52:47 +0000 by Sabina Giorgi, researcher at Deep Blue Italy   On June 17th 2021 the INDIMO research team presented a paper at the IEA...

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by Sabina Giorgi, researcher at Deep Blue Italy


On June 17th 2021 the INDIMO research team presented a paper at the IEA 2021 conference. The paper was about “Improving inclusiveness of digital mobility solutions: a European approach“, and I was invited to introduce its content during the 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. The paper presentation was included among others in the collateral session named Ergonomics in Design for All Symposium – Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Technologies for Inclusion Part 2. The INDIMO research team who authored the paper was led by the Deep Blue team – myself, Rebecca Hueting and Andrea Capaccioli – with contributions from nine Consortium members from the VUB coordination team, cambiamo|changingMobility, Imec and Technion.

The paper presents the main results of the co-creation activities carried out in the first phase of INDIMO (INclusive DIgital MObility solutions). On the one hand, results concern needs, capabilities and requirements of vulnerable to exclusion users and non-users of digital mobility and delivery services that have been collected in the five pilot sites of the project. On the other hand, findings highlight drivers and barriers for the development and deployment of inclusive and accessible digital mobility services from the viewpoint of developers, operators
and policy makers. These results are the basis for the development of the main outcome of the project, i.e. the Inclusive Digital Mobility Toolbox.

The full-text version is included in the Springer book Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021)

To download the full chapter or cite it, find it under the DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-74605-6_33


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Understanding vulnerable citizens’ needs by using a user-centered design approach: INDIMO at Urbanism Next conference 2021 Fri, 09 Jul 2021 14:12:26 +0000 by Pasquale Cancellara and Daniel Herrera, dissemination team at POLIS   On the 11th of June 2021, the INDMO project was featured in...

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by Pasquale Cancellara and Daniel Herrera, dissemination team at POLIS


On the 11th of June 2021, the INDMO project was featured in a session titled “Understanding vulnerable citizens’ needs by using a user-centered design approachduring The Urbanism Next conference.

Including citizens vulnerable to exclusion in mobility dialogue becomes more challenging when disruptive transport solutions are the new norm. Innovation offers enormous opportunities but are vulnerable citizens able to take advantage of new mobility practices? Transport experts and professionals working in three European-wide research projects: INCLUSION, MOMENTUM and INDIMO had the opportunity to discuss how local authorities, transport operators and service developers can use a user-centric approach to assess and fulfill citizens’ special needs.

Inspired by the annual Urbanism Next Conference in Portland, Oregon, USA, the Urbanism Next Europe Conference was an interdisciplinary event, convening private, public and academic stakeholders who play critical roles in shaping the future of our cities. The conference explored how technological, societal and economic trends will change land use, environment, architecture, transport, public space, urban planning, governance and more.

INDIMO was represented by the project coordinator Samyajit Basu, VUB, and by Floridea Di Ciommo, cambiaMO who presented the preliminary experiences coming from INDIMO’s pilot city Madrid on how a user-centred design approach can be applied to mobility. The session was moderated by Pasquale Cancellara, Project and Membership Services Manager at POLIS.

The conference was organized by POLIS in collaboration with NUMO, TNO, the City of Rotterdam, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat, and many others.

The presentations along with a recording of the session are available on the following link

Session Presentations and Recordings

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The challenges of digital mobility: affordable, accessible and inclusive? Thu, 17 Sep 2020 11:26:42 +0000 By Imre Keserü – Project Coordinator and Assistant Professor at MOBI-VUB, Vrije Universiteit Brussel The main purpose of the INDIMO project is to...

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By Imre Keserü – Project Coordinator and Assistant Professor at MOBI-VUB, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

The main purpose of the INDIMO project is to deal with with the main challenges of digital mobility. Digital mobility solutions promise to change the way we travel by bringing multiple offers of operators in one app, providing easy booking through smartphones, simple payment through credit cards and simplified planning through sleek interfaces. It sounds like a bright future for mobility!

This is certainly the way forward, but we should not forget the 80 million people who never used the internet in the EU or the millions who do not have internet access, digital skills or decent mobile coverage.

How can we ensure that they are not left out and behind in the fast technological development and can enjoy the benefits of digital mobility?

This will be the main topic of the session “Affordable, accessible and inclusive mobility” at the Urban Mobility Days 2020, taking place on 1st October 2020 at 11:45

Colour banner of the Urban Mobility Days 2020 | 29 September - 2 October 2020

As project coordinator I will represent the INDIMO project and discuss how the INDIMO Inclusive Digital Mobility Toolbox will help operators, developers and policy makers to design and operate accessible and inclusive digital mobility services.

The session will feature other experts on the theme of accessible and inclusive mobility: Kirstin Tovaas (Rupprecht Consult, INCLUSION project), Inge Paeman (Brussels Capital Region), and Delphine Grandsart (European Passengers’ Federation, HiReach project).


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