CSG – Indimo Project https://www.indimoproject.eu Inclusive digital mobility solutions Tue, 21 Feb 2023 17:27:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.16 The INDIMO Toolbox: why you should use it https://www.indimoproject.eu/the-indimo-toolbox-why-you-should-use-it/ Thu, 15 Dec 2022 08:49:46 +0000 https://www.indimoproject.eu/?p=2630 The INDIMO Toolbox The Inclusive Digital Mobility Toolbox is the main outcome of the INDIMO project. It collects the lessons learnt and the main results...

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The INDIMO Toolbox

The Inclusive Digital Mobility Toolbox is the main outcome of the INDIMO project. It collects the lessons learnt and the main results of the work carried out along the three years of the project. It represents above all a good example of the co-creation approach we suggest to adopt in the design and development of digital mobility and delivery solutions.

The toolbox underlines the importance of taking each possible opportunity to work with users during the entire development process, to include their perspective and needs. Moreover, it promotes a collaborative approach in which developers, policy makers, service operators, UX/ UI designers and NGOs work together to implement accessible and inclusive mobility solutions for all kinds of digital mobility and delivery services.

The Inclusive Digital Mobility Toolbox is an interactive set of 5 online tools, intended for a practical use and available in six different languages. It offers access to the INDIMO  methodologies and the research documentation, including templates and examples of their use.


What can you do with the INDIMO Toolbox?

With the help of the Toolbox you can:

  1. Design digital transport solutions that are better tailored to citizens’ needs, especially those of users who experience barriers in using digital services, by means of the UDM – Universal Design manual.
  2. Design universally understandable interfaces between transport end-users and the digital mobility system, through the UIL – Universal interface language manual.
  3. Ensure data protection and cybersecurity in digital transport solutions, by means of the CSG – Cybersecurity and privacy assessment guidelines.
  4. Evaluate the compliance of digital mobility solutions and services with the universal design principles, through the online SET – Service evaluation tool.
  5. Identify, select and filter a list of recommendations derived from our research with end users in the INDIMO Recommendations browsable list.

Each tool provides access to project results such as research insights, methodologies, surveys, exercises, documents, templates and a list of recommendations. All provided materials are open access and they can be used to analyse, evaluate and re-design all kinds of digital mobility services.

The Toolbox flowchart

Depending on the scope of your exploration, you can decide to:

  • Explore the interactive tools UDM:, UIL and CSG and apply the proposed methodologies, by downloading available templates, examples and best practices.
  • Read the INDIMO recommendations that are more relevant to your role or you actual inquiry, by applying available filters
  • Self-evaluate an existing or prototyped digital mobility and delivery service by using the SET, which will guide the assessment through questions and will provide you with a quantified inclusivity and accessibility performance on thematic spider-graphs and with a selection of recommendations that cover the weak-points.


Go to the tools’ selector page:

INDIMO Toolbox

To further implement the whole INDIMO Toolbox after the end of the project, all tools have been also included on the European Transport Forum tools repository that also hosts the Co-creation community (https://www.etmforum.eu/resources/). The open discussion platform linked to the ETM Forum website allows you and all other members of the community to use tools and recommendations over time, ensuring a long term impact of the main outcomes.

ETM Forum home page


The post The INDIMO Toolbox: why you should use it appeared first on Indimo Project.
