The challenges of digital mobility: affordable, accessible and inclusive?

September 17, 2020
Reading Time
2 min

By Imre Keserü – Project Coordinator and Assistant Professor at MOBI-VUB, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

The main purpose of the INDIMO project is to deal with with the main challenges of digital mobility. Digital mobility solutions promise to change the way we travel by bringing multiple offers of operators in one app, providing easy booking through smartphones, simple payment through credit cards and simplified planning through sleek interfaces. It sounds like a bright future for mobility!

This is certainly the way forward, but we should not forget the 80 million people who never used the internet in the EU or the millions who do not have internet access, digital skills or decent mobile coverage.

How can we ensure that they are not left out and behind in the fast technological development and can enjoy the benefits of digital mobility?

This will be the main topic of the session “Affordable, accessible and inclusive mobility” at the Urban Mobility Days 2020, taking place on 1st October 2020 at 11:45

Colour banner of the Urban Mobility Days 2020 | 29 September - 2 October 2020

As project coordinator I will represent the INDIMO project and discuss how the INDIMO Inclusive Digital Mobility Toolbox will help operators, developers and policy makers to design and operate accessible and inclusive digital mobility services.

The session will feature other experts on the theme of accessible and inclusive mobility: Kirstin Tovaas (Rupprecht Consult, INCLUSION project), Inge Paeman (Brussels Capital Region), and Delphine Grandsart (European Passengers’ Federation, HiReach project).


Join the session, follow INDIMO also on Twitter and LinkedIn and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter!


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